ConfigContextResolver provides a way for a plugin to specify the context ( ItemGroup ) used to retrieve configuration files from for classes deriving from ItemGroup it defines.
promoted builds Plugin: hudson.
A ConfigProvider represents a configuration file (such as Maven's settings.xml) where the user can choose its actual content among several {@linkplain Config concrete contents} that are pre-configured.
ConfigProvider is an extension point, and should be implemented and instantiated by each kind of configuration. This abstraction doesn't define where the configuration is placed, or how/when it's used — those semantics should be introduced by a specific instance of ConfigProvider .</p>
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Config File Provider Plugin: org.
Email Extension Plugin: hudson.
Email Extension Plugin: hudson.
Ivy Plugin: Anonymous class in hudson.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
JClouds Plugin: jenkins.
Managed Scripts Plugin: org.
Managed Scripts Plugin: org.
Managed Scripts Plugin: org.
NodeJS Plugin: jenkins.
XPath Configuration Viewer Plugin: org.